As college students prepare to enter the "real world" of career opportunities, what are the skills they will need?
You Onstage – The Theater of Business – uses improv and theater games as training tools to provide experiential learning structured to be a microcosm of actual situations they will encounter beyond the classroom. And it’s a whole lot of fun!
Each game is followed with a debrief about the value of the skill just learned, and further exploration in applying it to their unique needs upon graduation.
"By applying improv techniques, contributions are welcomed and valued as team members support one another in working toward a common goal." - Harvard Business Review
Students will:
AVAILABLE one-hour sessions, online or in person
Led by DELILAH BLAKE - find out more
Stand out from the crowd in
interviews - presentations -
leadership - networking
“The overwhelming majority of students felt the program was beneficial to them. They gained insight and knowledge that will help them secure an internship or permanent position.” - St. John’s University
“Delilah was excellent at getting our group to participate. She created a wonderfully supportive atmosphere with the improv games and did not rely on handouts or slideshows. Her warm personality and genuine feedback assisted each of us to learn about ourselves and techniques that would help our success.” - Fashion Institute of Technology
“The games were a great start to our conference and were a hard act to follow!” – University of Texas
“This is the best example I have seen of how people really communicate with each other.” – Houston Business Journal