THE SACRED MISSION is an original, experimental, spiritual work that tells an age-old story through poetry and music. Looking for people who like to bring a message of hope, healing (and a bit of humor) to the world. All ages and levels of experience welcome.
JESS - here on a divine mission to bring healing to the world
MAGGIE - discovers she is also a healer and joins Jess on his mission
THE BOSS - a misguided person who has abused his power
THE ASSISTANT - a minion to The Boss
NARRATOR - guides the audience through the story
THE ENSEMBLE - Wise Ones, Holy Spirit, Prosecutors, Observers, various roles
What's required of the performers:
St. Alban's - 885 Shore Road, Cape Elizabeth, Maine
Please contact Delilah Blake with any questions. I am happy to meet you before the first rehearsal to show you the script and songs. It promises to be a delightful experience for both performers and the audience!
PHONE: 917-828-6705